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Lots of new stash, but no new finish

I am working on Rachel’s RR and as soon as I get it finished I will post a picture. Now that I am about done with the hair, it may go quicker.  I have recently acquired so much new stash, I don’t know where to begin…Yes I do.  A stitchy gift from my BSF (Best Stitching Friend)

Gift from my bestieThis cute little packaged arrive so pretty! Johanna sent it to me as a thank you for stitching the Royal Holiday on her Queen RR.  Isn’t she a sweetie?  Here is what was inside:

gift 3Sorry about the blurry photo.  I’ve always wanted to do a sweetheart tree design, but never knew which one do do.  Now I have the perfect one.  Complete with a key charm inside. The colors are beautiful.  I am hoping that when I stitch this up, I can finish it just like the picture.  I may have to get some help with that.

Next is last month’s Fabric of the Month from Stephanie. It is called Bewitched.

Bewitched 16 ct AidaIt is 16ct Aida and it is BEAUTIFUL!!  I love the colors in it.  Can’t wait to find something special to stitch on this baby!

I received this pattern in the mail:

The Gift pattern

It is a gorgeous pattern I saw on Patricia’s facebook page.  There is a mermaid in it.  I just had to have it. And hubby likes Dragons, so it is the perfect combination in a cross stitch pattern 🙂  I picked up a piece of fabric on Silweaver’s auctions last week and I am hoping it will be perfect for this pattern.  If you are interested in this pattern, you can contact the designer Particia Aikin by email at  I can’t wait to stitch this one up.

And last I have a knit project I picked up this last weekend:

beaded scarf projectHubby and I stopped at a local knit shop on our day out this weekend and I found a partially knittied beaded scarf sitting on a shelf at the shop.  It was pink, so you know I had to see what it was all about.  It wasn’t even half knitted, but it was so heavy with the beads.  I loved it!  And had to have one!  They didn’t sell the yarn used anymore, so I decided to go with a cream yarn.  That will go well with my red coat.  At Joann’s I found some clear beads with a copper looking center that I thought would look good with the cream yarn.  It’s done on a size 5 needle, so I’m sure it will take me a while to knit.  Someday I will start it and it will be beautiful and sparkly when it is finished.

So, that is all of my new stash as of late.  Still working on some pidge scarves as well as Rachel’s RR. It is due in the mail next Wednesday, so I had better get to stitching a little faster.  Thank you for stopping by and seeing what I have been up to.  What have you added to your stash lately?