Cross Stitch Patterns · Fabric · Mermaids · Mirabilia

So Much Stitching in My Head!

I know, weird title.  But it’s true.  I have so many projects I want to do and in my head I can see myself stitching on all of them.  But in reality I can only stitch on one project at a time.  So, what have I been stitching on? Well, I finished the last section of Under The Moonlight SAL by Passione RicamoRicamo and have started the beading.


It is a very small bead start as there are a lot of beads on this project.  I love beading and couldn’t wait to get to this point, but then I was distracted!  By this:

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Yep!  Miss Nora did again. Another gorgeous design! This one is The Raven Queen by Mirabilia  and was released on June 15.  I ordered her and all her pretties right away from Stitches N Things and picked her up on Saturday!  I played in the Viewer on Monday and Tuesday, so I already had my fabric picked out from my stash. I decided on Twixt N Tween 16ct Aida from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanhie Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie.  Here is my layover:

Raven Queen on Twixt N Tween

I LOVE it!  I think she will look fabulous! Here is my floss toss:


I was so excited to get her and all her goodies, that I started her on Saturday night.  Here is my progress after last night:

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Not much, but a start.  I will stitch on her for a few days and then force myself to put her down and work on beading the mermaid.  I also picked up this sweet pattern by Hinzeit; She Sells Sea Shells.


It came with a little package of real seashells and a little blue star fish, but somehow the bag was open and the embellishment package fell out at the cross stitch store. LouAnn knew it must have been mine, so she called to let me know she has it for me and I will pick it up when I go back to pick up the little Nimue fairy framing, which has to be sent back.  There was a little piece of plastic behind the glass at the bottom of the framing.  It looks like it might be a broken piece of a spacer.  So I will show pictures of her when I pick her up next time.

So… what projects are calling your name these days?

27 thoughts on “So Much Stitching in My Head!

  1. I can really relate to your dilemma. I have LOTS of WIPs, but I keep seeing more projects I want to stitch. I am right behind you with Raven Queen. I think my materials are on their way and then we can do a SAL!


    1. How can we ever get caught up when the designers keep doing this to us, Johanna? I have no will power! Can’t wait until you get your Raven Queen. It will be fun working on the same project together! I am so in love with her already!


  2. The projects are beautiful! You are such an enabler–but I am bound and determined to finish my unfinished project since 2002. I am refusing to allow myself to work on anything else until that one is finished. I feel like I am punishing myself but I know I will feel so good when I do finish this.


    1. I know exactly what you mean, Helen. I have 8 (I think) projects started and really want to get them finished. But I keep seeing new things and I keep falling off the wagon, ha! I have so many more I want to start, too. You must have some strong will power! Know that I am here pushing you along to finish that project.


    1. Thank you. I am anxious to see her come to life also. I am one of those people that start in the middle of the project and work my way down, and then from the middle up. So for now it doesn’t look like much.

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  3. The Raven Queen is bedazzling! I can understand why you fell under her spell 😉 I’m working on something that might become a shawl right now. That plus the original project (a blanket).


    1. She is such a beauty and she really did put a spell on me. She came out, I ordered and picked up and started all in the same week! That surely was some magic at work 😉 It was all meant to be.


  4. Wow – just gorgeous! I am still on the 4 x Here Come The Girls projects although I am coming close to a, whisper it, finish on Magical Butterfly – I am doing the beading this week. Yay! Scarlet Quince has brought out another lovely pattern called Night and Her Train of Stars which I want to do for my bedroom (but I have half an SQ pattern done and waiting in the wings and one full one kitted, one large and one small Chat kitted) so I am not sure where I’m going to find the time. 🙂


    1. Thanks, Christine. I am watching your 4 projects. Congrats on getting to the beading on Magical Butterfly. You will have a finish in no time. I look forward to seeing more on your Mermaid and Geisha. I still have my first Chat kit waiting for a start. I think I am still a bit intimidated, so no start yet. And that would be 1 more added to the WIP group that I am trying to get back to one WIP. Will it ever happen? Not when the designers keep coming out with awesome patterns. We definitely need more time in the day, sigh.


      1. Absolutely! I am holding back Watergarden until next year when, hopefully, I’ll have the four current projects finished and I can take a clear run at it (along with Flora and, maybe even Night With Her Train of Stars – maybe). Happy stitching!


    1. Thank you, Fawn. She is a beauty. I was only going to work on her for a little bit and get back to beading my mermaid, but I can’t seem to put her down.


  5. Christine, Getting your current projects done so that you can concentrate on the Chat sounds like a really good idea. They definitely need focused attention. It will be interesting to see when I actually start mine and I look forward to seeing yours when you get started on it.


    1. Thanks, AmyE. I have way too many patterns. I should really start thinning out my stash as some of the patterns I have had for years, and I am sure there are some that I would never do now. Some day, right now I need that time for stitching!

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