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What I am Stitching, Reading, and a Finish

So the days have been quite warm, with high humidity.  So staying in and getting things done is what I have been up to.  Over the weekend, I finished Mirabilia’s Aphrodite.

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Isn’t she a beauty!  I will say that I did not like the beading on this one.  I love to bead, but these beads were just too far apart and sometimes carrying my threads was not an option.  So finishing the end threads was a real pain, and the back of my work is a mess!  I just hope that I didn’t stretch some threads too far as to interfere with the framing.  I am so glad to have this one done.  I just love her hair!  So different than anything Nora has done before.  She is stitched on 16ct Aida Kaleidoscope from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie.  I could not have chosen a more perfect fabric for her. Here are some more shots of her:

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Since my trip to Mary Maxim, I have been wanting to get some knitting done.  I did finish a project, but forgot to take a picture of it before I gifted it.  And remember this shawl I started sometime ago?

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Well, I had to rip it out and start over again, as I was doing the yoke with the larger needles and was supposed to be using a smaller needle.  I didn’t want to run out of yarn, so thought it best to start it over.  Here is where I left it last night:

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I have 310 stitches on there and every other row is a different pattern.  I did have an extra row in there, but realized I skipped a row, so had to knit back a row and that is where I stopped.  When I pick it back up, I will change to the larger needles and hope and pray every row, that I have the correct amount of stitches.  Fingers crossed for me 😉

And remember this shawl I started a while back also?

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Well, after trying to go on with it, I just wasn’t ending up with the pattern as I was supposed to at this same point.  I had started this shawl about 10 times.  So this time was the breaking point and I have since ripped it all out and ditched the pattern.  I did, however, find another pattern to use this yarn with and can’t wait to start that one after I finish the other shawl.  And the new pattern has beads!  I will be stringing them on before I knit and knitting them in as I go.  I have not done that in years!  Can’t wait!!

I am also trying to find time to keep reading this book that my hubby suggested for me:

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It is a huge book, with very small print.  It is actually 3 books in one.  Not my normal style of reading, but since hubby suggested it, I thought I would give it a try.  I think I have been reading it since February!  I only read if I take time for lunch and then I only get a couple of pages in since the print is so small.  This is where I am in the book:

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I am more than half way through, so it should be downhill from here, right?  It is not the greatest book I have read, but I am anxious to find out what happens to Paksenarrion, the main character.  She is a soldier and has fought in many battles.  She has left the military, and is on the road to becoming a paladin. So I am very curious to find out how it ends.  I can’t wait to be done with it, as I have the first of a Mermaid series arriving in my mailbox today, and I am quite excited to start it.

And, I promised an update on my last few fabrics I have received from Fantasy Dyed Fabrics:

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Such beauties!!!  I just can’t help myself.  I have been trying to cut myself off, but I am totally addicted!  I just love all of her fabrics and have a pixie planned for everyone of these.  Since finishing Aphrodite, I have pulled the Passione Ricamo SAL #2 out and have put a few stitches in, but I think this weekend I just may start Iris Pixie on the fabric on the far right.  The fabric is so perfect for her, it is amazing!

So what new project have you  started or what new products have you added to your stash?

20 thoughts on “What I am Stitching, Reading, and a Finish

  1. Wow, girlie, you have SO many projects going right now! I’m doing good to focus on one thing at a time. Your Aphrodite is definitely a huge accomplishment. Just can’t wait to see Iris on the purple/gold fabric. Should be amazing! I have finished Ophelia by Mirabilia and that is my first finish in quite a while. (BTW – amazing fabrics!!)


    1. OMG, Johanna. You don’t even want to know the amount of projects going on in my head right now! I was just thinking this morning, that I need to get my mermaid book out and make notes about all the knitting projects I have to do. So many projects is right :p Your Ophelia is amazing! Makes me think about doing her on my next mermaid trio…which won’t be for a while, I’m sure. Though they are small mermaids and can be done rather quickly…Nope. I have enough to do right now 😉 The fabrics are truly awesome. You do an amazing job at creating them. Thank you 😉


  2. Thank you Salpal1. I am so happy to have her done and off my list of WIP’s 😉 I’m looking forward to a new start, though. And continuing my knitting. Maybe by the end of the month I can actually have my first shawl done. Fingers crossed 🙂


  3. Aphrodite turned out so pretty.
    Congrats on your finish.
    The shawl is turning out pretty too.
    Great fabrics you bought.
    I love the one on the end, the tan/lavender piece.


    1. Thanks, Marilyn. I am totally smitten with Aphrodite. The shawl…unfortunately, has been abandoned 😦 Just kept knitting this one row and backing it out and just couldn’t come up with the correct amount of stitches. So it has been ripped out and the pattern also ditched. I guess I am just not meant to knit a shawl. The fabric on the end is gorgeous in person. That is what I am planning on stitching Iris on. Will probably start her this weekend. So excited.


  4. Aphrodite is beautiful and the beads are a very nice touch. And the colors of the yarns for your shawls are pretty. Can’t wait to see how they turn out. Also am looking forward to your new cross stitch project!


    1. Thank you Susanssnippets. I am so happy to be done beading Aphrodite and am very pleased with how she turned out. No shawl for me 😦 That project has been ripped out and put away. I just couldn’t get it right either. 2 shawls abandoned in the same week, ugh! Just not worth the frustration. I am looking forward to starting Iris, maybe this weekend.


  5. I love how Aphrodite has turned out. Now I’m waiting for the next pixie!
    And that’s a lot of projects! 🙂 Too bad that you had to rip one of those shawls out again, but let’s hope the new pattern is better; can’t wait to see how it looks!


    1. Thank you for your kind words, Anita. I love Aphrodite and so happy I am finished her. Not so good news about my knitting. I spent so much time knitting in and knitting back out on this shawl, too, that I have abandoned that project, too 😦 Not sure what is going on that I can’t knit a shawl. But it’s not worth being so frustrated over. I won’t be starting another shawl any time soon, that’s for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your pixies are turning out so well that you can put the shawls on the back burner for a while. 🙂
        And as for shawls themselves, you should probably try a pattern with a different construction method than the ones you’ve been trying so far, for a fresh start and fresh perspective… 🙂 Good luck whenever you decide to work on one again!


  6. Aphrodite is really a beauty. I will say, I adore the beads, as they seem to make her just perfect. It is a pain to have them further apart, but they really work in this project. And the colours, I am a huge fan of all shades of blue, and this is superb. I love it.
    Great job on the knitting, I think your shawl is going to be gorgeous. Such nice yarn. 🙂
    Good for you, stopping the knitting on something that is just not working. A knitted piece with beads sounds stunning. 🙂
    Enjoy the coming weekend, have fun.


    1. Thank you, Joey. I do think the beads are perfect the way they are, just a pain to stitch. I am so happy with how Aphrodite turned out. Now to get her framed and find a space on the wall 😉 The knitting…well, I had to ditch the shawl 😦 2 shawls ditched in one week. Not good. But I refuse to knit on something that gives me grief. I did, however, stitch on them many times without good results. I have already found another pattern to stitch with the yarn, and hope they are much better. Not sure when I will start them. I think I need a break from knitting. Evidently it is not my time to be knitting. Going to the zoo tonight, so it will be a nice break from the crafts. Enjoy your weekend also.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can not agree with you more. I stop a project and dont knit it if it is just not feeling right. The right idea or pattern will come when you are ready.
        I adore Aprodite. I wish I stitched more.
        The zoo sounds great. I love the night tours, they are so very interesting. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed.


  7. LOL! Now I know why you were cautioning me against indulging too much in (online) yarn shopping, Ginny! XD But those fabrics are BEAUTIFUL. I fully support your purchase of them XD XD Oh and, I love your bookmark. It’s so whimsical 😀


    1. LOL, Paardje. On-line shopping is just too easy. The virtual cart can never over flow and you really just don’t know how much is in there until check-out time 😉 The fabrics are so beautiful and I am addicted! I now have 2 people in support of my addiction, thank you 😉 The bookmark is so pretty. I purchased it on-line (ooops, another addiction) from “The Vintage Angel”. I should have given her a plug. Her and her husband make the most wonderful jewelry and bookmarks. They make beautiful gifts for the avid reader, too.

      Liked by 1 person

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