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Did I Stitch in November?

Wow, I barely remember November!  Where did it go so quickly?  Well, I do remember stitching some.  Still working on Mermaid and here she is after last night.


I swear when I go to bed at night, her hair grows a few more strands! Just a tad bit more hair and I will be done the stitching.  Hopefully that will happen tonight and I can move onto the backstitching and beading. I am glad I have stuck with her so far to almost finishing. She is going to be so worth every stitch.   I already have my next project lined up. Just waiting on fabric. I will share it when I get a start on it.

So let me share what I have acquired lately.  First, some beauties from Fantasy Dyed Fabrics:


I don’t have anything in mind for them, I just really liked them and had to add them to my stash.

Next, my newest bag set from Deanna’s Frame Covers and Storage.  I found this fabric while at Joann Fabrics and new it had to be a bag set.


I love birds and pink so this fabric jumped right out at me. This set includes a bag for 11 x 11 Q-snap frame, a little zippered pouch, perfect for threads and things and a grime guard for my 11 x 11 Q-snap frame.  I will use this set with my next project.

And this beauty arrived in my mailbox the other day:


It is Ceridwen, November Fabric of the Month from Hand Dyes Fabrics by Stephanie.  It is 16ct Aida and I LOVE the beautiful pinks and grays in this one.  Not sure what I will stitch on it, but it will be something special.

This year, hubby let me do a themed Christmas tree, not the hodge podge of ornaments we usually do.  I wanted pink, and while hubby really didn’t want pink, he was willing to drive me over an hour to Bronners Christmas store, but I declined.  I decided we would go shop together, locally.  I fell in love with the black, white, gold and silver gift wrapping and bows and boxes.  So while I was drooling over all that stuff, hubby disappeared only to return with the ornaments for our themed tree-Silver, gold, gray, dark gray and glitter!


We found some additional ornaments, but couldn’t find a tree skirt we liked.  And the traditional red and green one we have is not going to work.  So, next stop, Joann fabrics where I found all of these sweet fabrics so I can make a new tree skirt:


I think all of these fabrics will be beautiful together (minus the blue with snowflakes, LOL).  I am hoping to get a start on it this weekend.  I will be sure to post pictures.

So that is what I have been up to.  I still have decorating to finish.  Yesterday I made 50 Christmas cards, so I still have to sign and address those and get them in the mail.  I also have shopping to finish up and sewing to do.  Hopefully I will get it all done soon so I can relax and enjoy December while it is still here.  What are you up to these December days?

23 thoughts on “Did I Stitch in November?

  1. I am feeling the same way too, I really can’t believe it is only 16 days till Christmas. Where did all the time go!? At least I have most of my made chirstmas gifts finished and I fiure if I have all shopping and gift making completly finished by the 20th I am not going to be stressing out this year. You see I’m one of those people that can go shopping three days before Christmas and get everyones gift in about two to three hours. Then again I really don’t have that any people to buy for so that probably helps a lot. Enjoy the rest of December and have a happy Christmas. Hope to here from you soon.


    1. It sure is flying by, isn’t it Ivyjade234? I am hoping to get most of my stuff done today and finish up the little things over the next week. I really would like to relax at least half of December. Good luck with all of your shopping and getting things done. Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The mermaid looks beautiful already, Ginny! Looking forward to seeing her finished.
    Have a nice weekend with all the Christmas preparations! (50 cards in one day? Wow!)


  3. The Mermaid is so pretty, I love her hair.
    Those are some very pretty fabrics.
    Your tree is beautiful, can’t wait to see your tree skirt.
    That’s a LOT of cards!


    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn. I was busy working on the tree skirt today. It’s a lot of work! I hope to have it finished in a few days. I will post pictures when I am finished. My cards were pretty simple this year and they are all the same. So I got an assembly line going and it didn’t seem to take too long.


  4. our mermaid is looking lovely-not long to go now. I too like themed trees and this year (and last) I have gone for white (the tree) with gold and light green decorations. Did my cards in October and posted most of them last month as we were very busy early on in November so had to get them done early. Christmas is here before we know it. have a good one! 🙂


    1. Kudos to you, Mogsya, for getting everything done early! Thank you for your sweet comment on my mermaid. I am backstitching her now. Not my favorite part. I can’t wait to get to the beading, that is my favorite part. She has a million beads and will be so sparkly! Your tree sounds lovely! White trees are so beautiful. I can just imagine it with all gold and green…Beautiful! Christmas will be here soon. I hope yours is a Merry one.


  5. Beautifully stitching. Love the fabrics, they’re all lovely and the potential is endless. Lovely tree. I hope to see a photo of your tree skirt posted soon. I know it’ll be pretty.


    1. Thank you, Mary. You are so sweet. I will be sure to post whenever I use them. I finished my tree skirt this morning and am now putting my house back together. Seems like I made a huge mess with all of my sewing stuff. I will post a picture soon.


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