Fairy Letter · Nora Corbett

Brought to You by the Letter “Y”


Catchy title, huh?  Last night I finished the letter “Y” to complete my JOY project.  This one turned out just as cute as the rest.  In the original conversion, there are no red beads, but I felt as if they needed some.  In this one, I added the beads to look like she is blowing the peppermint like you would a dandelion.  All the red beads look like “petals” falling off or magic from the peppermint.  I wish I could capture the true color of this fabric, as it is a beautiful shade of green, but as much as I tried (with all 3 letters) I just could not get it right.


So here is my completed JOY all together.  Such sweet, sweet fairies.  And all together, it took me only 32 days to stitch them all!  So if you are looking for a quick project, this is it!  My first Christmas piece to hang in my house during the holidays.  I cannot wait to get them in for framing.  In case you are seeing them for the first time, they are Nora Corbett’s fairy letters.  I stitched them on 16ct Aida Sage, from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie and I used the conversion from The Rocking Horse.


So now what am I going to stitch, you say??? Can you believe I have already started a new project?  Yep, a few night’s ago I put the first few stitches into a new project.  It is a SAL Sampler and can be found at Linens & Threads.  And guess what??? It’s FREE!!  Now I have never done a sampler before as I am not a sampler kind of gal.  But this one really appealed to me. A new section will be introduced at the beginning of each month.  You come up with your own fabric and thread colors and do whatever you want.  My scheme was determined by the only piece of fabric that I had that was big enough.  It is 16ct Aida Castleview from Silkweaver.  I have decided on doing all the stitching in DMC 310-black.  Here is my start:



I am already second guessing my choice of black threads because I can see the fabric in between the stitches.  But I am going to stick with it.  My fabric is blue and gray and cream, like sky.  Black was the first thing that came to me.  I will see how I like it as I go on.  If you are interested in doing this one, the January and February sections are on the website.  There is also a facebook group you can join; Linens and Threads – Mystery Sampler.   There are so many beautiful versions of this on there.  Some using variegated threads, all one color, silks, everything!

This last week has been a week of seeing all kinds of new projects I want to start.  The sampler, a Temperature Blanket, an Afghan, an Owl blanket.  I have started the sampler, but I see a Temperature blanket in my future.  Like as soon as I can get yarn 🙂

So, what new projects have you started or want to start?  Or are you being good and working on WIP’s?  I’d love to hear all about it 🙂


45 thoughts on “Brought to You by the Letter “Y”

  1. haha-like a Sesame Street ad!! LOVE your J-O-Y. They are perfectly wonderful! Your cards for your class are really cute, too.


  2. What a beautiful set of fairies you have stitched. Spelling out the word “JOY”. So very pretty and will make a great Christmas display for you this year. And how quickly you have stitched these pretty pieces. I love them!


  3. Oh my I love how your JOY fairies turned out, you did a great job. I also really like the sampler that you have started. I have just learned about SAL’s and I got to say I would really like to do one, sadly though I have already made a pretty big list of crafting stuff that I want to finish or start and finish this year. Maybe I will be able to find a nice one for the year 2018 when that comes around or maybe I will start one late this year and see how long it takes me to finish. It won’t be a true SAL but it’s a start. I guess we will just have to see. ❤😁


    1. Thank you so much! I just love them, too. If you really like the Sampler at Linen & Threads, you can always print them each month and have it to start when you are ready. I have already changed my mind about the threads and think I will try to find some variegated threads that will match my fabric. We shall see 🙂 Good luck on all your crafting 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Gosh, this is so darn pretty.
    The colors are so vibrant.
    Congrats on a beautiful finish.
    I am trying to finish up WIPS before I start a new project.
    So far, so good.
    Also working on crocheted afghans off and on for next Christmas in football team colors. 🙂


    1. Thank you for your sweet comments, Marilyn. I think they are pretty cute, too. You have such dedication to finishing your WIP’s. I am like “Squirrel!” and my plans have gone out the window, LOL. But I am excited about my first sampler and have already changed my mind about doing it all in black. Have fun with your projects.


  5. Very creative, adding the ‘bubbles’ there, Ginny. I totally love all the fairies. 💕
    Can’t wait to see how the sampler turns out eventually!


  6. Oh, Ginny, they came out so very beautifully! I love them, and the red beads make the project perfect! the new sampler is intriguing – I love black work, so I am sure it will also be beautiful. Don’t worry about the fabric showing through, wait until you have done more before you decide – because I think the eye will fill in the gaps.


    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I think the fairies turned about better than I imagined and can’t wait to get them framed. The Sampler has been bugging me. I completed one flower, and still not liking how the fabric shows through the black. I have decided to find some variegated and see how that works. Wish me luck 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You will want it to be Christmas all year long. 🙂 And you are making me wonder where the half-finished cross stitch things I started many years ago are tucked. I know where one small one is, but I also knw there are some larger ones someplace, half done. Those fairies are so pretty, they are tempting me.


  7. Lovely, the red beads were a perfect finishing touch. I’m itching to start a baby blanket for a friend, but she’s waiting for her 20 week scan so we can choose colours! 😊


    1. Thank you, MrsCraft. I think the red beads give it that extra Christmas vibe along with the green. How exciting your next project will be. Stitching baby blankets are the best. Thinking about the baby all bundled up in at while you are stitching is so sweet. Have fun picking the perfect colors when you find out what she is having.


  8. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the red beads you added. How sweet. I can see the green in the fabric. I bet they are going to be adorable when framed. And just imagine them in your home over the holidays. How grand.
    Enjoy the new project, it looks very interesting.
    Have a good weekend, its here soon. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Joey. I am quite pleased with how they turned out and how quick they were to stitch. I can’t wait to get them framed and hanging in my house. I will probably hang them as soon as they are framed and leave them all they way until the holidays are over. The new project is coming along nicely, I think. I hope to get a posting up today about it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi JoyK. The conversion used to be on their website at http://www.rockinghorse.com But it was recently sold and I don’t think it is there now. You can contact Jackie via the website and see if she still has the conversion, as I know she just go the new website up and running and just may not have put the conversions on there. If you are not able to get it from her, I can search to see if I still have my copies. But contact her first as I do believe that she still has the finished piece in her shop.


      1. Hi – not sure if this post is still being monitored, but I’ve tried to search up the conversion, with no luck. Please HELP – I’d love to do use these colors, they are so perfect!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello! I just discovered this yesterday. Am dying to know where you got the pattern because I LOVE IT!! I’ve googled all morning, and have not been able to find it. Please share where you got the pattern? Your work is beautiful, I hope to do half as good as you have. 🙂


    1. Hi Robin! Thank you for visiting my little ole blog 🙂 The Fairy letters are from Nora Corbett. They are put out by Wichelt and I believe that they are still available in needlework shops. If you are looking for a shop, I purchased mine from Stitches N Things. They are individual letters and the J, O and Y look totally different in that I changed the colors. I hope you are able to find them as they are so sweet and stitch up pretty quickly, too.


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