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Extra Hour of Stitching

Hello my blogging friends.  This last weekend we turned the clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings Time.  So now it will get darker earlier and be lighter earlier in the morning.  I used my extra hour wisely.  By stitching 😉

Pink princess progress 2

In between laundry yesterday, and with my extra hour, I was able to finish the bottom half of the dress, minus the beads.  This piece is so wonderful to stitch on.  I am loving every stitch and do not want to put it down.  But this morning I put her away so that I can get to stitching on the November section of the Mystery Sampler.  For those seeing this one for the first time, it is Dawn, the Fairy Spirit of Grace by Passione Ricamo.  I am stitching her on 16ct Aida Tintagel from Fabrics by Stephanie.  It truly is a gorgeous piece of fabric.  The next time I pull her out, I do hope to finish her.  I plan on stitching her without the wings, just because I think she looks like a Princess.  My Pink Princess.

This weekend, I also fell off the wagon 😦  After going through all of my knitting and crochet projects and writing them all down and organizing them, I put myself on the “Do Not Buy More Yarn” list.  Well, my local yarn shop was celebrating their 1 year anniversary and having a trunk show with AJHC Wools yarns and a bag show.  I couldn’t resist either! Here is what I purchased:

New yarn stash and shawl pattern

The yarn is from a gal in Michigan who dyes her own yarns.  There were so many beautiful yarns, I had trouble deciding.  But I settled on a peach yarn with orange to rust speckles called “Rhea”.  I will be using it on the shawl pattern which I have been eyeing from Janina Kallio of Woolenberry called Floral.  It is a beautiful lacy shawl with a sweet picot edging. It is available on Ravelry if you are interested.  Woolenberry has the most beautiful shawl patterns.  I can tell this one will take my undivided attention.  No tv watching on this one! And this makes #62 in my stash of projects!  I do have a serious problem, but no judging!

The bag is from Mid Mitten Designs, and I just LOVE the clear window in the front.  There were 3 different size bags, this one being the middle sized one. They are a bit pricey, but are very well made.  It is perfect for holding this project until I am ready to get started on it.  My husband says I can’t start it until I get the other 61 projects done. Ha Ha Ha!  I am so tempted to start it now,  but I will have to wait a bit as I am still having issues with my elbows.  I am trying to be patient, but it is taking so long.

So, how much yarn is in your projects or cross stitch projects are in your stash?  I’d love to hear about them 🙂



19 thoughts on “Extra Hour of Stitching

  1. Your stitching is beautiful! And yes, it is hard to resist beautiful yarn. I too would like to place a yarn order and a cross stitch order but keep reminding myself that I have lots of projects that aren’t finished or started yet. So far it’s working for the most part. Time will tell the true story.


    1. Thank you, Susananipets. It is so hard to be on restriction! A lot of those projects I have are for 1 ball scarves, so I should work on those first and get them out of the way. They make great gifts, too. Hubby has already put in an order for 5 for the ladies at work. I just need this elbow to heal so I can get working. Sounds like you are being very disciplined. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you 🙂


      1. I hope your elbow heals soon! It is hard, especially when I like to watch knitting and cross stitch podcasts when crafting. All the new yarns and patterns call my name and then I make myself think about the project next to me that isn’t getting enough attention and when I want to see it done. So far so good though so tempting. Thank you for the encouragement.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Love how the stitching is coming along! ❤
    It’s hard to resist the temptation cast by yarn, isn’t it? Even in the absence of a LYS nearby, there’s the ‘OYS’ (online yarn store) which beckons. Hope you can start on your yarny projects soon.


  3. Hey wow, love how your pink princess is coming along. She is looking so beautiful. I can see why you couldn’t resist buying that yarn, very pretty. I do t have a lot of yarn, got rid of almost all of it when I moved as it wasn’t good yarn, to begin with, and I had no plans on using it just because the quality was not good. Cross stitching on the order hand I have lots of. I am actually considering not buying any more patterns for the rest of this year and all next year. So far since August, I haven’t bought any new patterns so I would say that it pretty good


    1. Thank you, Ivyjade234 ❤ When I went through my yarn stash, I was hoping there was some that I could get rid of thinking I would never use it. But I like it all. I did get rid of lots of yarn years ago at a garage sale that I knew I would never use. Hopefully I can get to the projects soon. I think you are doing great not buying any new patterns since August! I don't even want to dive into the cross stitch projects I have. I have been collecting those since the 80's!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Such beautiful stitching. 🙂 I only did a few stitches on the weekend, and got distracted by along telephone chat with my daughter. 🙂 Yours is coming along beautifully.
    I can totally see why you bought that yarn. I would have come home with it too. The colour is to easy to wear with just about anything and everything.
    The bag is perfect, the clear window is a grand idea. No need to open the bag to what you have put inside. Awesome.
    Take it easy and rest your elbow for as long as you need, there will be plenty of knitting time now that the days are getting colder again.
    Have a super week. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Joey ❤ The yarn is really pretty and I can't wait to stitch with it. I used that type of yarn in the blue shawl, it was the speckled yarn, and it is so easy to work with. I agree it is a color that will go with a lot. The bag is awesome. I am thinking of going back to get a smaller one. Love the window. Yep, still trying to rest the elbows, so not sure when I will get back to knitting or cricketing. But you are right, winter is coming and there will be time for knitting and cricketing :). Happy stitching to you and have a great week.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 You got a great yarn, and that colour is truly stunning. I absolutely love it.
        Good idea to get a smaller baggie too. They are super nice and will be very useful. The window makes such a big difference.
        Indeed, you can knit and crochet whenever, but much easier once the elbow is better. Just rest while you can and stitch when you can.
        Take good care. xx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Your pink princess is lovely!

    As are your new purchases. It is hard to stick to a yarn diet! I have a bog stash, getting bigger as I spin more yarn, but it is not all earmarked for specific projects like yours is. That is truly impressive!


    1. Thank you, Salpal1. It is so hard to stick to a yarn diet. My 62 projects is just yarn that is in the house. I do have at least 2 bins, if not 3, full or yarn in the garage. I’m sure there are some projects out there, too, I just can’t remember. We’re not going to worry about that for now ;). And many of the projects in my 62 are one or 2 ball projects for scarves and shawls. So we shall see what I can get stitched up in the next year.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m loving your Pink princess on that beautiful fabric.
    Great progress!
    That shawl sounds like another beautiful one.
    I’m stitching a few Christmas ornaments for friends.
    Have a good week!


    1. Thank you, Marilyn. I am looking forward to getting back to the Pink Princess. Last night I went back to the Sampler and I don’t think it will take me too long. I have only made a couple of cross stitch ornaments in my lifetime. Every year I say that I will make some, but I don’t. One of these years I will get to ornaments. Enjoy your stitching!


  7. Supporting your local business – you should get points for that! I’ve popped a few creative things on my Christmas list, but I’ve 12 started projects before I even look in my stash!


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